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Insights into the UK Staycation market trends

The staycation market has given the hospitality industry a much-needed boost across 2021, let’s take a closer look at what’s happening.

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Smart hotels: 6 reasons why keeping up with hotel technology trends is good for business

Smart hotels aren’t just more convenient for guests – with proper integration they can also help streamline your revenue management and boost your profits.

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Scary revenue management facts for Halloween hoteliers 😱

As Halloween approaches, here are 10 scary revenue management facts that will make every hotel manager shudder...

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Hospitality events: How hotel networking can help grow your business

Hospitality networking remains a great way to build and establish trusted relationships. Here's our top three reasons to join in.

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Revenue management case study: How new app software and Octopus Revenue helped our clients have a bumper summer season

Our revenue management support slotted in seamlessly with the integration of a new app from HOP Software to help our client hit up to 88% RevPAR growth for 2021’s summer season.

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